Monday 6 April 2015

March Wrap Up/Book Haul

So I did one of these posts in January and it's only six days into March, so it isn't too late, right? Either way, here's my rundown of the month of March.

March is one of my favourite months because it's my birthday (hurrah!). I turned the grand old age of sixteen, but if I'n honest I feel no different to  before. My friends reminded me that now I'm legal, but that'll make no difference. The last time I kissed a boy, I was about six. I still don't know if it counts or not because I don't actually remember it, considering I was six... #badass

I only read one book in February so there was no point in reviewing that month, but in March I read ten *selffive*
  • Geek Girl by Holly Smale was the first book I read (on my kindle) and I really loved it. It's just a light contemporary style book, but the main character was so compelling and relatable. I read this book in one sitting and couldn't put it down because it was just a lot of fun. I think I have it 4/5 stars on Goodreads. 
  • Model Misfit by Holly Smale is the second book in the Geek Girl series. I downloaded it straight after finishing the first book and again, I couldn't stop reading. These books are just so addictive and even though they're just a bit of fun, they're actually well written (even if they are a little predictable). I gave it 5/5 stars because I loved it so much. 
  • Picture Perfect by Holly Smale was the next book I read. What a surprise. I gave it 5/5 stars plainly because the main character, Harriet, is a total bamf as well as being really geeky. She seems to know trivia on just about everything and this was honestly more educational than a lot of books I 'read' for school. 
  • All That Glitters by Holly Smale is the most recent Geek Girl book and although I did really like it, I only gave it three stars because it felt a little more cliche than the rest of the books. I did enjoy it, but it was just a little meh. 
  • Geek Drama by Holly Smale is the only other Geek Girl book I read this month. Because there are no more. I read them all. This one is a World Book Day novella and whilst it isn't a full book, I had to read it just because. I did really like it, but I gave it 3/5 stars on Goodreads because I just didn't love it. 
  • Malice by Chris Wooding was the next book I read. I remember reading this one when I was about ten or eleven and I loved it, so because no one should trust me with a debit card and an amazon account I ordered it and decided to read it again. I thought it was awesome as it essentially combines a novel with a graphic novel, and the story itself is so compelling and original. An easy 4/5 stars. 
  • The Assassins Blade by Sarah J Maas is one of my favourite books ever. You know how I mention Throne of Glass in pretty much every post I write? Well I finally caved and decided to reread the entire series. It was just as good the second time around, if not even better. 5/5 stars. Easy. 
  • Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas is a reread (again) and is the first proper book in the series. It's perfection and was just as good as a reread. 5/5 stars. Easy. I don't think I can say anything else. 
  • Crown of Midnight by Sarah J Maas used to be my favourite in the series, but on second reading I still loved it but not as much as HoF. Still, I swooned with Chaolaena and cried with that certain death. I still gasped at that ending even though I saw it coming. This book is a masterpiece. 5/5 stars. 
  • Heir of Fire by Sarah J Maas is now my favourite book in the series. The first time I read it I liked it, but this time around it cemented it's place as my favourite book EVER. I'm serious. This is my all-time favourite series alongside HP and Heir of Fire is the kind of book I wish I could write one day. It's ambitious and grand and original. I could go on forever. 5/5 stars. 
I got... a lot of books this month. I'm just going to go ahead and tell you (and die of shame).

Books I bought:
Books I got for my birthday from my wonderful/badass parents/sister:
So as far as writing goes, I started writing the book a couple of times. The current draft I'm on is currently 11K long, but it doesn't quite feel right so I'll probably start rewriting that for the thousandth time. 

I also came up with another novel idea which is currently called The Dying Word (title almost definitely going to change). I won't write it until Honour Among Thieves (that title needs to go ASAP) is done, but I'm in the planning stage and I just love the characters. It's about libraries, magic, books and friendship and I'm SO excited by it. 

In my January Review I said that I was participating in Katytastic's TBR challenge. Yeah... that didn't work. Still, I think I read a fair bit in March and even though I bought way too many books, I think it was a good month in all. 
Because without our language, we have lost ourselves. Who are we without our words? - Finnikin of the Rock by Melina Marchetta

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