Sunday 26 April 2015

Review: The Starkillers Cycle by Sarah J Maas and Susan Dennard

The Starkillers Cycle by Sarah J Maas and Susan Dennard
Publisher: N/A
Series: Kind of (it's an online serial)
Pages: N/A
Date finished: N/A
Rating: 4/5
Summary: Perfect for fans of epic sci-fi and steamy romance, THE STARKILLERS CYCLE is a serialized space opera set in a diverse and cutthroat galaxy. From an escaped convict with blood on her hands to a society girl turned fighter pilot, follow a sweeping cast of characters as they learn the galaxy is a far bigger—and more terrifying—place than they ever imagined.

Before I get into this review I should explain what the Starkillers Cycle is. It's not technically a book, instead a serial space opera story written by Sarah J Maas (Throne of Glass) and Susan Dennard (Something Strange and Deadly). It's been going for a couple of years so and as of date, there are twenty six chapters available, though I don't think there will be many more until Autumn as both authors have to work on their contracted novels. It's also free, just so you know.

When I found out that this existed, I this was me:
I read the first chapter a while ago but only this morning I decided to read the whole thing. I flew through it all in a matter of hours, gripped by the well crafted characters and intense action scenes. Whilst the twenty six chapters already available certainly aren't just the introduction, I don't really feel as if they cover a huge part of the story and there's definitely a lot to go. Still, I'm definitely looking out for the next chapter.

The first character we meet is Mel, and in the first chapter she's in Hatha, a prison. Through Mel we get the introduction to this world as she's the first POV chapter. Her voice is so distinct and every time she said something snarky or did something badass I couldn't help myself from yelling hell yeah as loud as I could. Basically, if you fuck with Mel you're doomed. She is forced to become a Striker--someone whose run from the prison of Hatha--because she killed someone in self defence, yet the act of murder means she'll have ten strikes against her name, meaning she would otherwise have to go to the highest security prison on the planet.

One of the other main characters is Daphne. She's the Warden's daughter and although she's well off, she's always had challenges to face because she's a gypsy and has a tattoo marking this on the back of her neck. As there's lots of prejudice against her for this, it gives her an edge and makes her much more compelling. I do prefer Mel to Daphne but I think that that's just personal preference.

I don't really want to go too much into the characters storylines as I think this story would be appreciated better if you read it without any spoilers to the chapters beyond the first, but Daphne definitely has guts. That's all I'll say.

Colt is one of the next characters we meet and seriously, this guy is hot. I think it can be assumed that every guy in this cycle is hot which although it isn't a good representation of 'real' life, I'm not complaining about. Colt starts off as a Striker and has to live in the dangerous jungle that surrounds the prison. I loved Colt's interactions with Mel and Turner (I'll get to him in a minute).

Turner is probably the most swoon-worthy character in this. I think I may be slightly in love with him. He has to act as a detective and investigate something involving Daphne and Mel. I won't say what just so I don't spoil anything for you. He comes across as very complex and I can't wait to find out more about him as the story progresses. Like I said, I loved reading about his conversations with Colt and all the characters, though Mel especially.

There are other characters but they don't feature as much as these main four (at least so far). Still, each of the characters that Maas and Dennard have created are extremely strong and interesting. They're not perfect people by a long shot (two of them are convicts) but I love them anyway, even if I probably shouldn't.

Like I said before, there is a heck of a lot of action in this. It's extremely exciting and it just gets more intense as the story goes on. Whilst it's becoming clear where the plot is going with this, it did take a while to get to that point (even if the action started right from the word go). This wasn't a bad thing as those first few chapters were an essential set up, not just for the characters but for the story and the world.

I really enjoyed the world building in this. So far we've been to quite a few places, yet I loved how Torant was described. Everything about this Cycle is so beautifully written and so damn edgy, particularly the scenes on Torant. We're introduced to a crime family, starting off with their son Cooper Cyrissian. I loved this part of the story as it made the stakes feel so much higher. Maas and Dennard weren't lying when they said that this galaxy was cutthroat.

If there's one negative thing I'd say it was probably that there were moments where I lost track of all the terms being used, or all the characters mentioned. Whilst I do think that the way it is posted is the best form for it, I do think that in the anticipation between chapters these tiny details will probably be forgotten, as will most of the minor characters. There were also a few typos but this didn't really bother me because there isn't an editor and everyone makes mistakes.

The Starkillers Cycle, albeit written beautifully, isn't for the faint of heart. There's a shit ton of swearing (I think the word fuck is mentioned in the thousands) as well as graphic content. Whilst it hasn't appeared yet I think that in later chapters there'll be a lot of sex. Still, there is reference to rape so if that isn't your thing I wouldn't advise that you read this.

I would definitely recommend this as it will keep you hooked from the beginning. Even though it will probably be a while until it is updated because the authors have more pressing things to work on, I wouldn't let that put you off. You'll be introduced to a diverse range of characters in a compelling and exciting world. I cannot wait until I can read more. I absolutely love it and from what I've read, I'd give it a 4 1/2 stars.

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