Tuesday 29 September 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Books To Read If You Like Sarah J Maas

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish and this week the theme is the top ten books to read if you like this super popular book/author. In true Emma fashion, I decided to talk about the books I recommend if you like Sarah J Maas. I've really been trying not to mention the Throne of Glass books that much, but it's the same situation as me mentioning Buffy whenever I can. It's just got to be done. Saying that, I feel like I mention the same books in pretty much every single top ten Tuesday I do. They're just reeealllyy good, okay?
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Snow Like Ashes reminds me a lot of the Throne of Glass series, mostly because of the heroine Mira. She's not exactly like Celaena, but they share resourcefulness and spirit. If you love Sarah J Maas's strong heroines and characters who are trying to claim back their lost kingdoms, I'd definitely recommend this book.

Again, I recommend this one if you like Throne of Glass. Just like Celaena lost Terrasen to Adarlan's rule, Finnikin lost his kingdom of Lumatere and spent either ten or eight years (I forget) in exile before trying to claim it back. There's fantastic heroines as well as the backdrop of a gritty fantasy world--if you like those things I suggest you read this. Like now.

If you like A Court of Thorns and Roses and are looking for book recommendations, Cruel Beauty is the first book I'd force you to read. It's another Beauty and the Beast retelling that is just as much a romance novel as it is a fantasy one. I absolutely loved this book and I'm certain all fans of ACOTAR will too.

It's no secret that my love for this trilogy knows no bounds. It's an adult fantasy novel surrounding the concept of what would happen if the dark lord won. The Lord Ruler kind of puts the King of Adarlan to shame as far as terror goes. It follows a group of thieves trying to overthrow him, and those overthrowing elements remind me a little of Queen of Shadows. Only a little, but I'm going to take every opportunity I can to force people to read this book.

A retelling of A Thousand and One Nights, The Wrath and the Dawn has a similar (ish) romance to ACOTAR. I adore this book, mostly because of the morally ambiguous characters and wonderfully plotted romance. I'm pretty sure any Sarah J Maas fan will adore this.
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Keturah isn't really like Sarah J Maas' other books, but I think that if you like the fairy-tale aspects then you'll love this one. It reads like a well developed fairy-tale and I was absolutely blown away by the beauty of it. It has elements of Scheherazade as well as Beauty and the Beast, and I really wish it had been read by more people.

Uprooted isn't that much like ACOTAR, but if you liked the latter I'd definitely recommend this one. They have surprisingly similar premises although the plots are totally different, but they both have steamy romances, a slightly creepy fantasy world and a fantastic heroine that you can't help but root for.

If you like the political elements of Throne of Glass then you should definitely read The Winners Curse. I didn't love it, but I still think that it's a really great book and I think that fans of Sarah J Maas will enjoy it.

Vicious isn't a high fantasy novel, but if you fancy reading a novel where everyone is as twisted as Rhysand or as morally ambiguous as Celaena, then you need to read this book. It's absolutely fantastic, and I can't praise it high enough.

I've only read the first book in this series, but from what I can remember it's a fantastic young adult fantasy that I can just see Sarah J Maas fans loving. Still, I really need to read the rest of the books in this series as I've heard nothing but good things.

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