Tuesday 21 April 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: All Time Favourite Authors

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly thing created by The Broke and Bookish and this Tuesday the theme is all time favourite authors.

This is definitely going to be hard, especially because lots of my favourite books aren't by my favourite authors and vice versa. Equally there are authors which I'm sure will become favourites in the future, but as of now I've only read one book by. Because of that, I'm going to write my top seven favourite authors, and then do three honourable mentions who aren't on the list just because I haven't read enough by them.

10. Rosamund Hodge 
Rosamund Hodge gets an honourable mention because I've only read one book by her so I can hardly call her a favourite, but I just loved the writing in Cruel Beauty. Her characters were carefully constructed and she made me love them, even if I probably shouldn't have. Her prose was also wonderful and I'm so excited to read her next book. 

9. Charlotte Brönte 
I've only read Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brönte so she doesn't make the main list, but I fell in love with her writing. It was beautiful yet not too difficult to get into, and there were so many quotes which I wanted to write with a permanent marker on the inside of my eyelids so I could always see them. I'm totally hardcore like that.

8. Cassandra Clare 
I feel really confused about putting Cassandra Clare on this list. I have read The Mortal Instruments and quite liked it, and I absolutely loved the Infernal Devices. Saying that, they wren't necessarily the best written books I've ever read. Still, I'm putting CC here because I did enjoy each one of her books, and Clockwork Princess gave me a book hangover that I'm still not sure that I'm over (one and a half years later. Ahem.)
7. Marissa Meyer
I've read the Lunar Chronicles by Meyer (apart from Fairest, and obviously Winter which isn't out yet) and I really loved them. Her characters were divine, and I'm a sucker for fairytales (such a surprise, I know). WHEN WILL WINTER BE OUT I NEED THE FEELS??

6. Stephanie Perkins
I absolutely loved Anna and the French Kiss etc, and I really liked Perkins' story in her Christmas anthology. Her writing is funny and uplifting, yet equally I got dragged into the stories she created and I genuinely did care about her characters. Isla and the Happy Ever After gave me an awful book hangover and I mourned the fact that I'd never see those characters again.

5. John Green 
I'm sorry. I couldn't not. 
Part of the reason John Green is quite high on the list is because I love his YouTube channel and think he's a good person as well as a writer. Saying that, I've read all of his books (apart from Will Grayson, Will Grayson with David Leviathan), Paper Towns being my favourite. I think his writing is beautiful and he's definitely an auto buy author. 

4. J.K. Rowling 
Shock horror! JK Rowling isn't number one on the list! As much as Harry Potter is my all time favourite series (alongside one by the author which took the top spot), I haven't read any other of her books. HP is so much of my childhood that she has to make this list and I will get round to reading The Casual Vacancy one day. It's been on my shelf since it's release date. Oops. 

3. Brandon Sanderson 
Okay, this is where it gets serious. I absolutely love Sanderson's books and I'm slowly but surely accumulating them all. I haven't read very many but his writing is simply brilliant and the lectures he posts online about specular fiction writing are so worthy of a watch. He's an auto buy author, and I think he'll move up higher on the list when I get round to reading the rest of his books. 

2. Melina Marchetta 
I've loved every book that I've read by Melina Marchetta. Her writing is beautiful and profound, and every character feels just as real as the people I speak to in real life. She has this way of making her books feel as if they're not fiction, and she's probably the best example I can think of to disagree with people who don't think YA is good fiction. 

1. Sarah J Maas
Oh wow, this was such a surprise. It's not like I talk about her books all the time, or own a Throne of Glass t-shirt. No, not at all. I contemplated putting Miss Maas at the top of my list, but how could I not put her here when each book of hers that I've read is on my Goodreads favourite list, and when the Throne of Glass series is my all time favourite? I adored A Court of Thorns and Roses, and as soon as I realised that I didn't just like Throne of Glass, Sarah J Maas knocked all the other competition out of the water. Now go excuse me whilst I try not to IMPLODE WITH EXCITEMENT until Queen of Shadows is released. 

(Did I mention that I tweeted my ACOTAR review and Sarah didn't just see it but replied with this: You are the sweetest! Thanks so much for the lovely and heartfelt review!  When I read her response I literally jumped up and down and made a noise like a goose on crack. The excitement levels were high.)

So, who are your top ten favourite authors?

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