Tuesday 11 August 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Authors I've Read the Most Books From

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish and the theme this week is the authors I've read the most books from. Making this list made me realise that actually, there aren't that many authors that I've read vast numbers of books from. I'm probably missing some considering there's a lot of children books that I can't remember reading, but using Goodreads/memory this is the list as of now. I'm pretty certain it's completely wrong.

I've read sixteen of his books--the entire Cirque Du Freak series (twelve books) and four of his Demonata series. I haven't read any of these since I was about twelve, but I remember absolutely loving the Cirque Du Freak books. I think I had one of my first book hangovers once I finished that series, and I was kind of in love with one of the characters (so much so that for a good while the password for my school computer was his name haha). I definitely need to reread that soon.

I read the entirety of the Series of Unfortunate Events when I was a kid and I started rereading them last year, though I haven't finished it yet. I haven't read any of his books written as Daniel Handler (his real name), but I do want to.

I haven't read any of her adult books (yet), but I have read the seven Harry Potter books, as well as the three books from the Hogwarts Library. JK Rowling will forever be one of my favourite authors, and Harry Potter is one of my all time favourite series'. I don't know how many times I've reread them.

Ah, Cassandra Clare. I genuinely think that one day I'll be forced to have an entire shelf of Shadowhunter novels, granted I can read them as fast as they're put out. I've read both The Infernal Devices and The Mortal Instruments by her, as well as her middle grade novel The Iron Trial written with Holly Black.

Ali Sparkes used to be my favourite author when I was about nine or ten. I read the first book in her Shapeshifter series when I was at school, though I never actually finished it despite having reread the later volumes more times than I can remember. I even went to a signing (my first one) when I was ten, and have all of her books signed.
In Easter 2014 I read the entirety of The Chronicles of Narnia, considering that I'd never read them as a kid, for some reason. Whilst I did enjoy Narnia (particularly the first few and the last one), I'm kind of bummed that I never read them when I was younger because I think that I could've enjoyed them far more. I do hope to read some more books by Lewis, though.

I've read five books by John Green--all of his solo works as well as Let It Snow with Maureen Johnson and Lauren Myracle. Paper Towns is definitely my favourite. The only book by him that I haven't read is Will Grayson, Will Grayson. I've had it on my shelf for almost two years and still haven't picked it up.

Sarah J. Maas is my queen. I've read all her books (the Throne of Glass series, as well as A Court of Thorns and Roses), each and every one of them getting a spot on my favourites shelf. Sarah is my favourite author, and as she continues to publish books I'm pretty sure she'll get higher and higher on this list. I would read absolutely anything that she publishes.

Melina Marchetta is another one of my favourite authors and from her I've read On the Jellicoe Road, Saving Francesca, The Pipers Son and Finnikin of the Rock. Each one of her books is absolutely fantastic, and I hope to read at least one more book by her before the year is out. She's one of the best writers in YA at the moment, and I think that absolutely everyone should read her stuff.

This post is scheduled as I'll be on holiday when it actually goes up. At the time of writing I've read three Sanderson books, but I'm planning to read The Hero of Ages on the plane so hopefully this post isn't going to be a lie *crosses fingers*. Sanderson is a genuine genius and he's my favourite author aside from Sarah J. Maas, and the books I've read by him are The Final Empire, The Well of Ascension and The Rithmatist. I plan to slowly work my way through all his books. As of now I own nine (and some more on my kindle).

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