Tuesday 25 August 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Books That Would Be On My Syllabus If I Taught (Romantic) Chemistry 101

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish and the theme this week is books that would be on the syllabus if I taught X 101. I chose to talk about Chemistry. Before you start screaming and running away, I mean the romantic kind.
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I just finished rereading this for the third time and right away, the chemistry that Celaena and Chaol have is unreal. The shippy feelings start from page one and I think the way it unfolds is just perfect. It's clear exactly how much they care for each other, and this is a perfect example of how a slow building romance (if we include Throne of Glass, the first book, in this as well) can really pay off. I genuinely had butterflies in my stomach when I read it.

Throughout the entirety of The Infernal Devices trilogy, the sexual tension and chemistry between Will and Tessa was unbelievable. Yet again it takes a long time for them to get together, but The Infernal Devices is a perfect example of how to get the reader to care about your characters. Will and Tessa are so similar yet ultimately so different and I think it works perfectly. Furthermore, this series has the best love triangle that I've ever read, so it's worth reading just for that.

Shazi and Khalid have so much chemistry it's unreal. They also trust and understand each other on a much deeper level and it was so refreshing to read. Whilst I would've preferred the romance to be a little more slow building, as a couple they just worked.

Oh lord, where do I begin? ACOTAR should come with a warning that you may need to fan yourself at multiple occasions. The romance between Tamlin and Feyre sizzled with chemistry and sexual tension. ACOTAR is the perfect example of how to weave a character arc into the romance. Also, can we just agree that this book is possibly the most swoonworthy work of fiction out there?

Cruel Beauty is yet another example of how two characters can grow to love each other despite their flaws and imperfections. Ignifex and Nyx don't love each other straight away (actually, they kind of hate each other) but their romance works firstly because they have chemistry, and secondly because they become better people because of each other.
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This list wouldn't be complete without a Stephanie Perkins book. I picked Anna just because it's the first one, but any of the three companion novels would suffice. Anna and Etienne are just so perfect for each other, not because Perkins willed them to be but because they can make each other laugh, smile and ultimately help each other to grow.

The reason why I think that this book is a perfect example of great chemistry is because Will Tomball isn't your standard attractive love interest, and Francesca isn't the kind of character you always get as a heroine. It's not some starcrossed love story, but the romance seems so alive just because of the chemistry. I really do recommend this book to everyone.

This list wouldn't be complete without my beloved Jane and Mr Rochester. When a lot of classic novels end up with stuffy romance (I know there are a thousand exceptions, though) it's so refreshing to read these two. It's so clear they're meant to be together, from the interests they share to the way that despite Jane's lowly status, Rochester still picks her.

The reason why I'm putting Fangirl on this list is because in this book, Cathy makes a friend in this guy called Nick who shares a lot of her interests. Yeah, Nick isn't the love interest. Instead it's Levi, a guy who literally has nothing in common with her. Why? Chemistry. Even if they are so different they both care for each other so deeply and just work as a couple. It's so adorable.

I don't know how she did it, but Novik managed to take two entirely different characters that should not work together and make me root for them all the way. The romance is only a small part of the book, yet for me it was the perfect example of romantic tension. Sarkan and Agnieszka argued more often than not, but overall together they were charming, hilarious and heart warming.

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