Tuesday 26 May 2015

Meeting Sarah J Maas

Before I get into this post, lets get the crazy fangirling out of the way.


*clears throat*

You can probably work out by the title of this post that I went to a Sarah J Maas signing earlier today.

The signing started at 10AM so I left the house at 8:30, arriving at 9:20 so I could get a decent place in the queue. There was already a sizeable amount of people when I arrived, though it didn't take long before the queue was curling round a few times.

I recently ordered the Throne of Glass series in hardcover (despite owning them all in paperback) because I'm an idiot/magpie who is attracted to pretty things. They all arrived about a week ago, but Throne of Glass arrived in the wrong edition so I had to return it and order a new one. I was gutted when it didn't arrive in time, though once I was at the signing it didn't bother me too much because my arms were killing me.

Most people had one or two paperbacks and I understand why. I have the upper body strength of a butterfly, so after waiting for an hour I was happy to put them down.

The signing started at about 10:15 and it only took me fifteen minutes to get to the front of the queue. I was so nervous as Sarah is my favourite author, and her books aren't just fantastic, but they also made me fall in love with fantasy and inspired me to write it. Like I mentioned before I'm an idiot, so naturally I didn't tell Sarah any of that.

Because of the size of the queue, we could only get two books signed. I chose Heir of Fire and Crown of Midnight because they were two of the ones I had in hardcover, and my copy of ACOTAR arrived pre-signed anyway.

After having spoken to her for about a minute, I can honestly say that Sarah J Maas is one of the loveliest people I've ever met. The first thing she said was that she loved my shirt (it's has the Jurassic Park logo on it, but instead of the normal dinosaur it has Rex from Toy Story, and 'Toy Story III' is written on it. It makes me feel really badass... I'm such a nerd) which made me ridiculously happy.

Whilst she was signing my books, we briefly spoke. There was so much that I wanted to say to her and in the end I didn't say any of it. I wanted to tell her how much her books meant to me, and how she is the reason that I'm writing fantasy. I wanted to say so much, but I just acted like a bumbling idiot whilst being in a state of awe.

At every signing Sarah does, she brings her first ever copy of Throne of Glass for her fans to sign. I wanted to think of something really meaningful to write in it, but as there was quite a few I just wrote a short sentence about what her books meant to me.

I'm still feeling giddy about it all. I'm wearing my free ACOTAR badge like a pro and grinning like an idiot. Reading this post back, I sound like a crazy fangirl but honestly I feel so happy/lucky to get the chance to meet my favourite author.
You could rattle the stars. You could do anything if only you dared. 

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