Sunday 3 May 2015

Review: Emerald Green by Kerstin Gier

Publisher: Henry Holt
Format: Hardcover
Series: Precious Stones, #3
Pages: 447
Date Finished: 02.05.15
Rating: 3.5/5
Summary: Gwen has a destiny to fulfil, but no one will tell her what it is. 
        She's only recently learned she is the Ruby, the final member of the time travelling Circle of Twelve, and since then everything has been going right. She suspects the founder of the Circle, Count Saint-Germain, is up to something nefarious, but nobody believes her. And she's just learned that her charming time-travelling partner, Gideon, has probably been using her all along. 
        This stunning conclusion picks up where Sapphire Blue left off, reading new heights of intrigue and romance as Gwen finally uncovers the secrets of the time-travelling society and learns her fate!

I've wanted to get round to this book for ages. I really did enjoy the first two books and this book wasn't a let down, even though there were a few things that annoyed me. I rated it 3.5 stars even though I enjoyed it immensely, but that's because it's not the best written book of all time and there were a few flaws. It's just a bit of fun, and if that's what you're looking for I would definitely pick this trilogy up.

Albeit slightly predictable, the plot was fast paced and action packed. I couldn't stop turning the pages because I had to see how it wrapped up, even though I wasn't under the illusion that there would actually be a negative ending for the characters. I was absorbed into this world of time travel, deception and intrigue from the first page.

I do like Gwen, but I found her emotions to be a bit unrealistic. I don't want to spoil anything in this review, but there was a moment when Gwen found out something extremely big/life changing, and all she could think about was the current status of her romance with Gideon. Equally, I found the ending to be too short and convenient--I'd have liked the author to flesh it out more (read: I wanted a little more Gideon at the end :P).
But... but... did they? In my eyes, that thing at the end with the
Gideon and Gwen would NOT be my happy ending. The characters
barely even cared that their lives were changing forever. (I'm trying
not to spoil anything but if you've read this I think you'll know
what I mean).
Insta-love is also prevalent in this book. Instead of fancying someone, the characters would call it love straight away. I don't know if that's just something lost in translation (as this book is originally written in German--how cool!), but either way it annoyed me a little. I wasn't going into this expecting it to be a five star book and that let me look past things like that. I just wanted a bit of lighthearted fun and that's what I got.

There were many plot twists in Emerald Green, some of them obvious and some of them not. Whilst I do think they could have worked, part of me thinks that they were executed wrong. Like I said before, Gwen didn't really react like a rational person when she found out big news. She was a little too blaze and got over things far too quickly--I think that the whole trilogy is only set over a couple of weeks.

I'd actually like this whole trilogy to be tightened up a bit and turned into a 500-600 page standalone. I think it would make it stronger and then there'd be no need for some of the unnecessary plot points that got a bit ridiculous at times.

One thing I do love was the friendship between Lesley and Gwen. So many YA novels don't have female friendships that aren't blown out of the water when hot guy #1 (let's face it, in most books there's a #2, #3, #4 and so on) turn up. It makes me happy that she had a big role in this book.

Still, this was a good conclusion. It wrapped everything up with a ribbon and a blow, even though it was too convenient and casual. I really don't want to sound like I hated this book because I did really like it. I don't want to say the words guilty pleasure because I don't think you should ever be ashamed for liking something, but this whole series is like that.

If you're looking for a bit of lighthearted fun, I'd definitely recommend this. Want something profound, beautifully crafted and moving? I'd look somewhere else.

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