Tuesday 5 May 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Will Probably Never Read

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish and this Tuesday the theme is top ten books that I will probably never read. I had trouble coming up with this list as it was hard to think of books that I can honestly say that I have valid reasons for.

Anyway, these are the books that I decided I am least likely to pick up and read. Enjoy!

Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James
I have a feeling that this book will be on so many people's lists. Erotica isn't really my thing and the fact that it's supposedly poorly written/misogynistic really turns me off (see what I did there?). Also a friend of mine read me a sentence from it and it was hilariously ridiculous. Nope. 

The Death Cure by James Dashner
I read the Maze Runner almost two years ago and I really enjoyed it, but that was when I had only read a few dystopias and my reading taste has changed a lot since then. I wasn't a fan of the second book and I don't see myself reading the last book in the trilogy. I think I'm just bored with most dystopians now.

War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy
This book just looks so loooonnnggg. I get that it's a classic and a timeless peace of Russian literature, but I never see myself committing to it. I'll probably read Anna Karenina one day but this one? I just don't think so.

Forrest Gump by Winston Groom
This is a controversial one for me as (aside from Tangled), Forrest Gump is my favourite movie. I cry every time and I just love it. I don't want to read the book as I hear that it's quite different and I don't want to ruin my love of the film (it's normally the other way around, I know). I'd hate to dislike the movie because I wasn't a fan of the book.

Enders Game by Orson Scott Card
Okay, here me out. I don't want to tarnish a book because of the author but I am not a fan of Card. He's homophobic and racist, and I don't want to support someone who has such morals. I already own two of his books (this one and his guide to writing specular fiction) but I wouldn't feel comfortable reading a book by someone like Card (I'm really trying not to swear).

Antigoddess by Kendare Blake
I started this book but it just didn't grip me and I never finished it. I love greek mythology (I'm a dork and I'm going to take Classical Civilisations at college) but I just didn't like this book. I heard great things about Kendare Blake and I'm sure that it's a good read, but it just isn't for me.

Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov
Lolita, light of my life, fire of my... NOPE! The subject matter of this one doesn't appeal to me. I get that it's a classic, but I really don't fancy reading about a middle aged man whose obsessed with a twelve year old girl. It may be executed wonderfully but I'm not that interested to try it out.

It's Not Summer Without You by Jenny Han
Again, hear me out on this one. So many people seem to love Jenny Han's writing but I just didn't think it anything that special. I read the first book in this trilogy and I did like it, but I just don't get the hype around this author. Don't kill me.

P.S. I Still Love You by Jenny Han
Just to get things straight, I'm not hating on Jenny Han. I do think she's a good author, but her books just don't do anything for me. I liked the first book (To All the Boys I've Loved Before), but when I read the summary of the second book and saw there was a love triangle, I decided that I'd just leave it at the first book.

Outlander by Diana Gabaldon
I love Outlander (the show, I mean) but the books don't really interest me as they just look so long! I'm worried that they'd drag on, or that the bits of the show I'm not a fan of (I'm talking about that bit in episode nine) would just be more prevalent. Who knows--I might pick this up one day but now it doesn't appeal to me.

So, which books do you think that you'll probably never read?

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