Tuesday 7 July 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Hyped Books I've Never Read

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish and the theme this week is the top ten books hyped books I've never read. This should be pretty easy, considering I'm so behind on my reading. Oops.
Please don't hate me. I know this book seems to be everyone's favourite, and I'm still struggling to understand why I haven't read it yet. I love history, and I love books. I saw the film and thought that it was amazing. I'll get round to it some day, I promise. 

I heard mixed things about the Shiver trilogy by the same author so I wasn't going to read this one, but considering half my Tumblr feed is people raving about this book I'm really tempted to pick it up sometime. I just hope that it's as good as people say it is. 

I know I know, this book is supposedly the one of the best fantasy novels of the 2000's. It has a ridiculously high rating on goodreads, and almost everybody seems to love it. I want to read it so bad, but it's just such a big book and I know it'll take so much time. One day, my friends, one day...

I read my first Percy Jackson novel last year. Don't shoot me. I never read them growing up as a kid, and I'm slowly working my way through the series. I did enjoy the first three, though. It seems like absolutely everyone has read and loved these books, and I kind of feel awful for not reading them yet. 

Nope. No, no, no. This is never going to happen. 
This book was one of my most anticipated of the year, and there has been so much hype around it these past few months. I really don't know why I haven't read it yet. I should get to that. 

I read Vicious earlier this year and fell in love with it, and so many people are raving about V.E. Schwab's latest book. I do own it, but I just haven't found the time to read it yet. Hopefully I'll pick it up this summer, and I really hope that I love it. 

I've owned this book for a year and I still haven't read it. My bad. I started it about a year ago but I never got past the first sixty pages, but that was probably because I just wasn't in the mood at the time. I need to read this, but sadly it isn't at the top of my TBR pile. 

So many reviewers I trust love this, but equally some are not so keen. I do really want to read this book, but I'm not sure if I'll ever get round to it. If the TV show is made I know I definitely will, but there is so much hype around this trilogy and I wouldn't want to be disappointed because of that.  

I know this book has been out since forever, but I still haven't read it. I see it all the time in bookshops and I do want to read it, but quite a few people have said that the series goes down hill after book three/four, and I don't want to start something only to be disappointed. I might read this someday. Maybe. 

So there are the top ten hyped books that I've never read. Feel free to persuade me which books in this list I should push to the top of my TBR. I'm always looking for new favourites! 

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