Tuesday 22 September 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Books On My Autumn TBR

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish and this week the theme is the top ten books on my fall/autumn TBR. It's no secret that my TBR pile is obviously as high as a house, but because I just started my first year of A levels I probably won't be able to get to as many as I initially planned. Still, ten is a reasonable number, isn't it? I've tried to choose a wide selection of books on my TBR as well as the books I want to read ASAP.
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I've never read anything like this before, but The Martian is being made into a movie with Matt Damon is coming out soon, so I really want to read this. I've heard nothing but good things so I really think that I'm going to enjoy this book.

Okay, so I actually started reading this book yesterday. I originally wasn't going to bother reading it, but after seeing so much praise I couldn't resist. The plot sounds like it could get a little Twilight-wish (if the girl kisses her true love, he dies) although the reviews make me suspect its amazing.

Okay, so I heard a reviewer on Goodreads say that this book is a mix of Harry Potter, The Book Thief and Fahrenheit 451 which sounds bloody brilliant, if you ask me. I bought this a couple of months ago and I still haven't gotten around to reading it, but I really hope that I'll like it.

This year I signed up to a thing called English Extension where every week, my English teacher gives a lecture about a specific book/play/poet. I read Maya's Notebook by Isabel Allende because of a recommendation from that class, and that's also where I heard about High-rise. It's supposed to be a bit like Lord of the Flies set in a high-rise building, only a thousand times more disturbing. Um, sign me up?

I absolutely adored Snow Like Ashes, and its sequin comes out this October. If you love YA fantasy (or if you want to be persuaded to love it), I'd definitely recommend reading the first book. Argh, I'm so bloody excited for this book.
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I read the first three books in the Lunar Chronicles last year and thought they were fantastic. Although I've kind of forgotten everything that's happened in the first three, I'm still so excited for the release of this book.

I think I bought this book second hand over a year ago, and I still haven't read it. I definitely want to get to it this autumn. If I'm honest I'm a little bored with dystopia, but I have a suspicion that this is more fantastic literature than the kind with a love triangle between a girl who doesn't know she's beautiful, her best friend and the 'mysterious' bad boy.

Oh man, I really need to read this book. I've heard nothing but excellent things, though to be honest I'm a little worried that it's too hyped up. Still it looks right up my alley and I can't wait to get round to it this fall. I definitely will. It's not like I'm behind on reading or anything.

I feel like everyone has read this book but me. Well, maybe not everyone (I'm looking at you, Erin). I've been saying I'm going to read this soon for SO LONG and it just needs to happen. I have no excuse. This autumn, it's definitely going to happen.

I have to read this book for my Classical Civilisations class. I've already started it but considering I only have to read it gradually, I'm nowhere near finishing. Still, I really hope to get through it all this autumn. I quite like it so far, even if Odysseus shags his way around the Mediterranean.

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