Tuesday 8 September 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Completed Series I Haven't Finished Yet

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish and the theme this week is completed series that I haven't yet finished. This shouldn't be too hard for me, considering I'm so behind on my reading at the moment!
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Okay, so I'm kind of obsessed with Greek mythology. I'm studying Classical Civilisations for my A Levels (which I friggin love), and the current story I'm writing is loosely based off of a Greek myth. SO WHY THE HELL HAVEN'T I FINISHED THIS ALREADY? I've read the first three and I really liked them, but because I never read them as a child I don't really have the same sentimental attachment that everyone else does. But hopefully before the end of the year I'll have finished this series. Hopefully.

I loved the first two books in this trilogy but I'm really not motivated to read the last one, especially because I've forgotten most of the first two books. Saying that, I really want to read Six of Crows and I know that you don't need to read the Grisha trilogy first, I hope that gives me some extra motivation to finish this trilogy.

I read Finnikin of the Rock last year and absolutely loved it. It's one of my all time favourite YA fantasy novels and I would recommend it to EVERYONE. Saying that, I still haven't read the second book. It's ridiculously long and although I'm excited to get into it, I'll have to set aside a substantial amount of time that I just don't have at the moment. *sighs*

Don't hate me for it, but I really don't think I'll end up finishing this one. I read If I Stay earlier in the year and to be honest it was just okay. I don't really understand what all the hype is about. Whilst I may go and read the second book at some point, it's right down the bottom of my TBR.

I read Noughts & Crosses last year and I fell in love. It was such a beautiful and important book, and even though I already own two of its three sequels I haven't finished this series yet. I know I really need to, but the first book was so emotional that I'm not sure I'm prepared for the second one.
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I'm not entirely sure what the official name for this trilogy is, but I read the first two books last year and thought that they were just average. I know a lot of people adore Poison Study by the same author, but I'm not that motivated to finish this trilogy. I probably will some day, but I doubt that it'll be any time soon.

The Giver is one of my friends favourite books and I read the first two books on her recommendation last year. I think I gave them both three stars, and if I'm brutally honest I just didn't love it. Shoot me. Still, I really do want to finish this quartet one day. Probably.

I read Daughter of Smoke and Bone last February and whilst I did really like it, I didn't love it like most people seem to. Even though I don't own the next two books I still really want to read them because of the hype and because I really enjoy Taylor's writing style.

I feel like it's a recurring theme in this list, but I really don't get the hype regarding this series (or any of Han's other books). I've only read the first one and whilst I did enjoy the book, I'm in no rush to read the other two. Tell me if you think they're considerably better than the first, but at the moment I'm not too motivated.

I really enjoyed The Demon King, although I still haven't picked up the other books in the series. I've heard so many good things about it and I really need to, but at the moment I'm working on reading the books I actually own rather than going out and buying more. I definitely will finish this series one day.

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